The 7 Greek Goddess Archetypes
In our daily lives, we as women navigate a broad spectrum of roles, ranging from traditional roles like wife, mother, and daughter to more autonomous and transformative roles such as leaders, activists, artists, and healers. While some roles feel natural and comfortable, others pose challenges that we strive to meet. Our feminine traits are as colorful and multifaceted as a rainbow, embodying both strength and vulnerability, much like the archetypes of the Greek Goddesses.
In her insightful book “Goddesses in Every Woman,” Jean Shinoda Bolen illustrates how these inner Greek Goddess archetypes can unveil profound personal truths. These archetypes act as powerful internal forces shaping our actions and emotions. Understanding them unlocks invaluable insights, offering keys to self-knowledge and a journey toward wholeness.

The Virgin Goddesses, Hestia, Artemis, and Athena, embody aspects of women’s psychology that are independent and active, focusing on self rather than relationships. Each is 'one-in-herself,' acting not for approval or to please others but driven by her own internal values. They represent the inner urges in women to develop talents, pursue passions, solve problems, express themselves, and lead contemplative lives, whether through competition, articulate expression, artistic endeavors, organization, or introspection.
Their consciousness is akin to a sharply focused beam of light, intensely directed and willful, illuminating only what matters to them. What lies outside this focused light remains in the shadows, emphasizing their selective engagement with the world around them.


Hestia, the Goddess of the fire burning at the hearth's center, was revered in every home, temple, and city. Her presence in the living flame sanctified these spaces, creating a sanctuary where people bonded and connected.
As Goddess of the Hearth and Temple, the Hestia archetype represents the patient, steady woman who cherishes solitude and radiates an aura of wholeness and self-sufficiency.
In our circle, we embrace Hestia's qualities, inviting her spirit of independence and self-sufficiency. We connect to her warmth and sacredness, recognizing every woman's inner fire. Through Hestia, we find a sense of intactness and wholeness within ourselves, celebrating the serene power of solitude and internal harmony.

Artemis, revered as the Goddess of young natural life and birth, embodies an archer's unerring aim and a sister's protective spirit. She symbolizes a woman's profound connection with nature, and her protective nature extends to her 'sisters,' safeguarding young women in vulnerable positions.
Artemis personifies an independent feminine spirit as the Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon. She empowers women to pursue their own goals and choose their own paths.
In our circle, we embrace Artemis's independence, connection to nature, and sisterly solidarity. We draw upon her strength to bolster our assertiveness and deepen our commitment to sisterhood.
Athena, the revered Goddess of Wisdom and Crafts, skillfully navigated both the realms of war strategy and domestic arts. Her attributes encompass purposeful thinking, planning, and execution, skills that are pivotal in both martial and domestic spheres.
The Athena archetype embodies the logical, composed woman — a strategist who maintains calm in conflict, using her rationality to navigate challenges. She represents the ability to think clearly in emotional situations and develop effective strategies in conflict. These traits come naturally to some women and can be cultivated by others.
In our circle, we explore Athena's logical, thoughtful, and practical traits, empowering you to harness your practical wisdom and achieve your goals. By tapping into Athena's essence, we learn to apply strategic thinking and pragmatism in our lives, aligning our actions with our aspirations.

The Vulnerable Goddesses, Hera, Demeter, and Persephone, embody archetypes central to traditional female roles – as a wife, mother, and daughter. These goddesses are deeply relationship-oriented, with their identity and sense of well-being intricately tied to their connections with others. They represent the innate need for affiliation in women, expressing the natural tendency to be attentive and receptive to those around them. Women aligned with these goddesses find fulfillment and meaning in embracing traditional roles, motivated by the rewards of relationships like approval, love, and attention.
Their consciousness can be likened to the warm, encompassing light of a living room lamp, casting a gentle glow on everything within its reach. This symbolizes an attitude of acceptance, a recognition of life's interconnectedness, and a natural inclination towards forming relationships.



Hera, renowned as the Goddess of Marriage and the Commitment Maker, invokes a mix of reverence and controversy, embodying both exalted and challenging aspects due to her intense emotions.
This complexity is mirrored in the Hera archetype within a woman's personality, manifesting as a potent force capable of bringing great joy or profound pain.
In our circle, we explore Hera's relationship-oriented traits to deepen our understanding of commitment and loyalty. We examine the qualities of bonding, faithfulness, and resilience, especially in navigating challenges with a partner. Engaging with the Hera archetype helps us appreciate the strength and dedication of enduring partnerships.
Demeter, the Goddess of Grain, epitomizes the maternal archetype, symbolizing the nurturing instinct manifested through pregnancy or providing various forms of nourishment to others.
As an archetype, she inspires women to embrace their nurturing side, encouraging generosity and fulfillment in caretaking roles. This nurturing drive extends to providing physical, emotional, and spiritual support, not just to one's children but also to creative endeavors and those in need.
In our circle, we engage with Demeter's nurturing qualities to understand our capacity for caregiving, including nurturing our inner child. We'll also explore the importance of setting boundaries and balancing our giving with self-care and personal well-being.

Persephone embodies a unique duality as both the Kore (daughter) and the Queen of the Underworld. In her Kore aspect, she represents the youthful, unformed spirit of a girl still discovering her desires and strengths. As the Queen of the Underworld, she embodies empowerment and self-realization, guiding souls and asserting her will.
This duality of Maiden and Queen allows a woman to retain an air of eternal youthfulness while embracing a spiritual guide's growth and maturity.
In our circle, we explore Persephone's introspective qualities, guiding you to connect with life's sacred and ethereal aspects. This engagement opens your heart to the profound experience of listening to your inner wisdom, a voice that nurtures and directs your soul's journey.
Aphrodite stands alone as an alchemical goddess, embodying the transformative power of love and creativity. Her presence is felt in all creation and communication, where growth is fostered, visions are supported, and potential is nurtured. Whether in artistic endeavors or the dynamics of various relationships, Aphrodite's influence is palpable, inspiring, and enhancing the experience for all involved.
Her consciousness can be likened to the focused yet receptive light of footlights on a stage. It is centered, illuminating the subject, yet simultaneously open and influenced by it. Under her light, every aspect becomes captivating, drawing in and engaging those within its radius.


Aphrodite celebrated as the Goddess of Love and Beauty, is the quintessential Creative Woman and Lover. Her unique alchemical nature offers a powerful transformative force, driving significant change and evolution.
The Aphrodite archetype governs love, beauty, sexuality, and sensuality, inspiring women to engage deeply in both creative endeavors and the joys of physical and emotional intimacy.
In our circle, we embrace Aphrodite's creative and transformational energies to heighten your sensory perceptions and awaken your sensuality. By connecting with her essence, we aim to enhance your ability to fully experience and appreciate the world through all your senses, unlocking a deeper connection to your own sensual nature.